Focusing on enabling children to ‘Start Well’ is fundamental to improving the longer term wellbeing of our resident population. There is a growing body of scientific evidence that shows the foundations of a person’s lifelong health—including their predisposition to obesity and certain long term conditions —are largely set during the first 1,000 days. There is also growing evidence that our experiences during childhood can affect our health throughout the life course.
The RPB's Start Well Partnership is responsible for taking forward the Regional Partnership Board’s work to strengthen and transform services for children and young people in Powys as set out in Powys’ Health and Care Strategy. Here are some of its projects:
Children's Zone

Established in Newtown, this is a community-focused approach to building capacity. During 2018/19, the focus has been on engaging with people in the local community (children, parents and carers) as well as local services to help them work together in order to create long-term change and improved outcomes for children and young people. Further work is planned to now link this work to the North Powys Wellbeing Project as part of developing the new model of care for Powys.
Integrated Disability Service

Providing effective and holistic support to children and their families/carers. This is a result of improving multi-agency co-ordination of the support offered to children with a disability, using care and support plans, and focusing on person-centred practice. Click here to learn more.
Young Carers

This pilot project delivered by Credu (Powys Carers Service) has engaged a number of primary and secondary schools in raising staff and pupil awareness of young carers and their responsibilities. The project has provided contact and support for carers; and developed a toolkit of resources for school staff to use in helping support young carer pupils. This work has closely involved young carers and pupils in its delivery. Click here to learn more.
Small Grants Scheme

This (ICF funded) project was piloted in 2018/19 to encourage and enable community groups to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for children and young people. Sixteen community projects were approved in all, from the 107 grant proposals that were received.