School of Leadership
This will aid the development of leaders across the whole health and social care sector in Powys, through investment in system and collective leadership and through the Leading Digital Transformation Wales Intensive Learning Academy (ILA).
Leading Digital Transformation

The Intensive Learning Academy at the University of South Wales has been developed in partnership with Powys Regional Partnership Board and is part funded by Welsh Government.
The Academy aims to bring together a community of digitally focused leaders and aspiring leaders from across health, social care and third sector.
The cross-collaboration of research, knowledge and learning opportunities, develop new prevention approaches and doctoral research-based studies to conduct in-depth research for translating research into prevention outcomes.
USW is part of a network of Intensive Learning Academies, hubs for developing skills and expertise, for sharing knowledge and translating research into outcomes.
For more information and to book your place, visit the University of South Wales website

Gwella Leadership Portal

Gwella is a free to access leadership portal for all NHS Wales staff.
The bi-lingual digital resource is available through any mobile device and provides access to a wide range of compassionate leadership and management resources curated from The King’s Fund, Open University and colleagues across the other UK nations.
Link to the Gwella Leadership Portal
Team Manager Development Programme
The Institute of Public Care (IPC), at Oxford Brookes University, has been commissioned to deliver a development programme for social care team managers across Wales.
The programme is designed specifically to help front-line managers and senior practitioners in social care settings to improve the management of practice quality in adults and children's social care.
Powys Business Coaching Pool
Powys County Council currently have approximately 20 internal and associate coaches who act as a sounding board to enable individuals to achieve their goals and overcome personal barriers. All these coaches are qualified and operate within Powys Business Coaching Pool.
A coach can help people become more effective in their roles, achieving promotions, being better leaders or achieving career goals.
A coach is not necessarily someone from your department and may not have any understating of your area of work. They are, however, experts in asking the right questions to enable you to discover for yourself what steps you need to take to achieve success.
Email: leadership@powys.gov.uk
NHS Wales graduate management scheme
This scheme will provide you with a first step into NHS Wales management - a unique career opportunity to make a real difference.
Over the two years of the scheme, you will:
Undertake several placements, working as part of multi-disciplinary teams
Complete a fully-funded Masters degree.
Receive a package of professional learning which will help maximise your development
A ‘helicopter’ view across all services
An annual salary of £27,319 plus a number of benefits
Extensive support through people guiding and cheering you on!
You will work with people from all professions and build your leadership and management skills to deliver high quality change and improvements to patient services.
​All Wales Public Service Graduate Programme

The All Wales Public Service Graduate Programme is a unique opportunity for you to boost your skills and grow your career.
You will get access to future roles and projects which will allow you to stretch and develop to reach your full potential. This new ‘All Wales’ approach will also give you the rare opportunity to work across organisational boundaries.
Making every contact count

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is an approach to behaviour change that utilises the millions of day to day interactions that organisations and individuals have with other people to support them in making positive changes to their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
MECC enables the opportunistic delivery of consistent and concise healthy lifestyle information and enables individuals to engage in conversations about their health at scale across organisations and populations.

For further information on the academy and its work please contact us. Email: powys.healthcareandsocialcareacademy@wales.nhs.uk