The Board’s work is driven by Powys’ Health and Care Strategy. The strategy sets out the priorities for transforming health and care in Powys until 2027. The aim is to help people in Powys to ‘Start Well’, ‘Live Well’ and ‘Age Well’ through a focus on well-being, early help and support, tackling the big four health challenges, and better joined up care.

A focus on well-being means ensuring people experience good health, happiness, and prosperity. It includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, and a sense of purpose.

Providing early help and support in an integrated way is vital across the life course to improve well-being, prevent people from disease, enable people to lead fulfilled lives and manage ill health effectively.

Cancer, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, and mental health disorders are all big contributors to ill health, so we've made these causes a main focus.

With growing expectations and a complex health system, we need to become more flexible in responding to people, delivering fully joined up care to ensure better outcomes.
To achieve these priorities the Board is also working to deliver the following:

We've developed a future integrated workforce plan, mapped data requirements across the Board’s member agencies to help identify key themes and priority activities.

An ambitious programme
of work that would see innovative environments being developed as part of a new model of care for health and social care in Powys.

Make better use of digital technology to provide better services to people. A Digital First programme has been scoped, which includes digital health and assistive living technology.

Working together in the best interest of residents, providing coordinated and seamless services. Buildings and resources are shared for multiple purposes, by multiple organisations.