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For the purposes of Regional Partnership Boards the Welsh Government has divided Wales into seven regions based on the footprint of Wales' Health Boards. Powys is unique because the local council footprint is the same as Powys Teaching Health Board, so Powys is considered a region in itself.

This has benefits and challenges. The benefits are that the level of negotiation and consensus is much simpler; the challenge is that the number of people to draw on is less and often the same people sit on a number of partnership fora.

Although the Regional Partnership Board sets the direction for joint work on health and care in Powys and takes the big decisions about that work, it also has subsidiary partnerships which involve a much wider group of people and organisations in the work done to deliver the Board’s objectives and priorities.

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Members of the Regional Partnership Board (2024-25):

Citizen and Carer Members

Vice Chair of Powys Teaching Health Board (RPB Chair)

Chief Executive of Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (RPB Co-Vice Chair)

Cabinet Member for a Caring Powys, Powys County Council  (RPB Co-Vice Chair)

Cabinet Member for Future Generations, Powys County Council (PCC)

Chief Executive of Powys Teaching Health Board (PTHB)

Director of Partnerships and Engagement, Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust

Director of Education, PCC

Director of Social Services and Wellbeing, Powys County Council

Executive Director of Public Health, PTHB


Third Sector Representatives 


Social Landlord Representative

Head of Adult Social Services, PCC

Policy Advisor, Care Forum Wales

​Observer - Health and Social Care Citizen Voice. Regional Director (Powys) Llais 


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