(Mental Health)
As the needs of our population have changed, more people are living with cancer, mental health, respiratory disease, circulatory disease and musculoskeletal disorders. There is a need to ensure people can ‘Live Well’ through being healthy and active and by accessing early help and support. Living well during adulthood can create huge benefits in older age.
The RPB's Live Well (mental health) Partnership is responsible for taking forward the Regional Partnership Board’s work to strengthen and transform mental health services in Powys as set out in Powys’ Health and Care Strategy. Here are some of its projects:
Dementia Home Treatment Service

The project builds upon a model developed in north Powys, with a view to address rurality and the difficulties in recruiting specialist clinicians (especially for part-time posts). The project is strengthening dementia services by developing a ‘team around the individual' approach, utilising the skills of local staff and offering opportunities for clinicians to combine their dementia experience with areas of specialist practice.
Read and Remember

This project has established ‘Read to Remember’ groups and other dementia related support activities for people across 10 libraries in Powys, using the unique resources and local connections of the Library Service. At a local level the different libraries, reading groups and volunteers are building links and working in partnership with other community based dementia services, schools and care homes to link up activities and benefit more people.