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Involving people
The Regional Partnership Board supports citizens and carers to get involved with the Board, its partnerships and its decisions.
The Board continues to develop in this area, as well as linking other opportunities with the Board and its work. In particular, Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO) has provided structured support including recruitment, briefings, and IT support to help people engage with us.
The involvement of citizen and carer representatives not only informs work and shapes decisions, but it also provides a better way to identify and tackle ‘what matters’ to people.
There are also a wide range of user and provider groups who have been involved through joint planning processes and the ongoing development of the Health and Care Strategy. This includes commenting on proposed work; involvement in the recruitment of key roles; and informing various processes.
“Thank you for coming to Ystrad to do this work, we very often feel as though we are forgotten”
- Substance Misuse Carer
"I’m treated as an equal on the Mental Health Partnership Board”
- Board Representative

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