Tim's Story Shared
Tim Platt is living with cancer. He has had over 100 sessions of chemotherapy and shared his experience and advice about cancer at our Summer Information Day held in Welshpool on 27 June, 2022. Tim's full story is also included in our compendium of patient stories.

by Tim Platt
Being aware of your general health and following up on all the recommended tests and checks in life, is vitally important to stay ahead of any potential cancer development.
Because you just never know.
If you are unlucky enough to be given a diagnosis, do not despair, as again you never know what treatment will come your way, how your body will react to any side effects, or operations you will undergo.
Very often it is all much more manageable than the diagnosis implies.
You don't know what effect the diagnosis will have on your life financially, or what being disabled and the world of social benefits will bring. And most importantly you never know how long the process will all go on for.
The Doctors will always tell you they know an great deal about your condition, but what they don't know is how you will react to their recommended treatments. Every patient is an individual, in our physicality, our strengths and weaknesses. My Doctors and the wonderful medical staff I encounter, have always been very supportive. Listen and learn from them, but also make sure they listen and learn from you.
You are in charge of your treatment, you always have the option to do or NOT to do something.
For some strange reason a cancer diagnosis (often more than other illnesses) has a mystique that opens doors and garners sympathies that can make life a little easier.
Emotions run high naturally at the beginning of a cancer diagnosis, you and everyone around you treat each other differently, try not to become closed, see it as an opportunity to understand each other even better. Relatives will be, and often should be, wary of genetic links that need to be followed and tested.
Make memories, travel if you can, see friends and relatives you may not have for a while; and allow them to help and express their emotions. You will find out who are your true friends.
No one can predict the future, allow yourself time to travel and get cultural experiences if you can, so as to make living through the treatments worthwhile. Even if this means taking a break from the treatment, you will find the balance this brings to life is equally valuable.
Do not be tempted to call it a bucket list, as you should really agree to go and do things that the person or group that you go with want to do too. It's not all about you, but about a shared experience.
I soon discovered that every moment becomes more interesting, nature and the world around you are more fascinating and precious.
Live your life as best you can because just don't know.
Get tested because you might have cancer, but also you might not!