Cross-cutting work
This includes work which cuts across Start Well, Live Well and Age Well. Here are examples of RPB's cross-cutting projects:

Additional RIF funding allocated to carers has supported the provision of further information, advice and assistance for unpaid carers in Powys. Pilot work has been carried out to boost young carer awareness in school settings for pupils and staff, and to better equip schools to support pupils with care responsibilities. There has been a research project looking at spare care capacity within the non-paid care sector, and the potential to bring people into the future paid and volunteer workforces. Service provision has been strengthened by commissioning Credu (Powys Carers Service) to undertake low-level assessments in addition to their existing information, advice and support services.
Social Value Forum
The Powys Social Value Forum has been set up to enable community organisations to help decide where best to target resources to improve health and wellbeing in Powys. The forum aims to:
Identify need in Health and Care provision in the area and target funding and other resources to fill those gaps
Increase the capacity of the sector by supporting the creation of new organisations and developing the capacity of existing ones
Watch this short film to find out more about the Social Value Forum from some of the people that it has helped.
Locality Networks
To gain a better understanding of our residents’ needs we have split our vast county into 13 localities, centred around our largest towns and their surrounding areas. In each area a Locality Network has been formed. These Locality Networks together form the body of the Powys Social Value Forum (SVF).
Each Locality Network, led by a PAVO Community Connector, meets quarterly to report on need in the area, share news and good ideas, and look for ways in which local need can be solved within existing structures. The gaps in provision that cannot be solved locally are shared with the Social Value Forum Coordination Group which oversees the activities of the SVF as a whole.
Social Value Forum Coordination Group
The Coordination Group meets twice a year and is made up of representatives from the Locality Networks, as well as key partners including statutory organisations such as the council and health board. The group shares news and good practice on a countywide level. In addition, the group looks at gaps in health and care provision to decide where to target funding.
Up to four priority areas are set for the year by the SVF, and these priorities help with the allocating of grants as part of the Powys Social Value Development Fund.
Powys Social Value Development Fund.
Groups across Powys can apply for Social Value Development Funding to start projects that will contribute to the Powys Health and Care strategy, and in particular to the priorities identified via the local networks and set out by the SVF. PAVO support the running of the grant scheme with funding allocated to the scheme by the Powys RPB.
Development Support
A Social Value Development Officer administers the fund, monitoring the projects and reporting back to the Coordination Group. As part of the scheme all organisations applying to the fund are offered development support to help them improve their organisation and their capacity to deliver.
For further information on the Powys Social Value Forum and its projects visit:
Technology Enabled Care

Technology Enabled Care is about using cost-effective technology to provide care and support. The right technology can help keep people safe in their own homes for longer, whilst also reducing the demands on carers. The technology can trigger automatic calls for assistance and allow family members to keep a remote eye on loved ones. Technology has a key role to play in the modernisation of health and social care and can provide lots of reassurance. So far, we have prescribed over 1,200 items of technology to people across Powys. Watch this short film for more.
The Active Offer

Third sector organisations funded by the local authority or the health board need to comply with the Welsh language standards set out by their funders. PAVO have a Welsh language Development Officer; Gwern ap Gwyn, who can support third sector organisations in meeting these standards with direct support and resources that have been developed in close consultation with the sector to alleviate the pressures that can come with compliance. Gwern is always happy to answer enquiries, offer support in any way regarding the use of Welsh language in your services.
Workforce Futures

Our Workforce Futures Strategic framework sets out our intentions for delivering A Healthy, Caring Powys through our workforce resource. We want to support an enabled workforce to gain transferable knowledge, skills and competencies and be able to adapt to new and enhanced roles and ways of working, with greater integration and collaboration going forward.
Visit our section on the Health and Care Academy to find out more.